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Trealaw Primary SchoolTogether Pupils Succeed

School Clubs

School Clubs autumn - spring 2023-24 

Clubs for Y2 - Y6 will start Week Beginning 13th November 2023 


Tuesday: Chess - Mrs Morris 

Tuesday: Craft - Mrs Griffiths 

Wednesday: Pottery - Mrs James

Wednesday: Recorder - Mrs Hadfield 

Thursday: Science Crest award - Mrs Owen 

Thursday: Football - Mrs Evans 


Coding club

Spring term 2023

Coding Club organised by Mrs Griffiths and Miss Miller

Run by Ethan Jones 'People and Work RCT' 

7th February - 28th March

Years 5 & 6 pupils 


After School Clubs 

The Sgwad Dysgu are working with staff to re-start our school clubs this spring 2023! We shall keep you informed on what will be available and how to apply for taking part in a club. 



Autumn school clubs 2019

Every Tuesday 3:15 - 4:30 pm Gardening Club: Mrs Morris & Mrs James Years 3 - 6

Every Tuesday 3:15 - 4:15 pm Science Club: Miss Owen Years 3 - 6

Every Wednesday 3:15 - 4:15 pm Coding Club: Miss Hayward and University students Year 4 - 6

Every Wednesday 3:15 - 4:15 pm Reading club: Miss Hancock & Mrs Hadfield Foundation phase pupils


Our Years 5 & 6 dance club

After school club timetable 3.15 - 4.15 pm 

School clubs will start running again in January 2019 

The children will be given information on them in December 



Netball and Football clubs

Netball and football lunchtime clubs run by Mrs Morris and Mrs James

Decorations made for Christmas 2017 raised £15. This will be used to support entrepreneurial events organised by the pupils.

Pottery/Ceramic clwb


Mrs James and Mrs Hadfield's Y5 & 6 pottery club will re-start 16th January 2018

Libby's cooking club power point

Clwb Coginio 2016

Extra-curricular clubs January 2017:


Tuesday 3.15 - 4.30 pm Cooking Club: Mrs James no

Tuesday 3.15 - 4.30 pm Film club: Mrs Owen/Mrs Smith smiley

Tuesday 3.15 - 4.30 pm Eco-committee club: Mrs Morris/Mrs Gardiner laugh


Wednesday 3.15 - 4.30 pm Singing club: Mrs Major cheeky

Wednesday 3.15 - 4.30 pm Fitness club: Mrs Hadfield/Miss Miller frown


Wednesday lunchtimes netball and football Mrs Morris/Mrs Smith/Mrs James




Fitness Club- Wednesday 3:15-4:30
