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National Eisteddfod Art competition WINNERS 2024 @ Pontypridd



Place2Be is a children's mental health charity who have been working in schools for over 25 years providing holistic, child-centred, evidence based universal and targeted interventions. They support children, young people, school staff and families to increase resilience and improve mental health and well being outcomes. Their focus is on early intervention and prevention to ensure that children are supported at the point of need, helping to build resilience and reducing escalation for the child, and in turn reducing the impact on CAMHS. 


Place2Be have been commissioned to support the mental health and emotional well being needs of our Trealaw Primary School children. They will be working with our school over the next twelve months March 2023 - March 2024 providing support for a whole school approach, developing alongside an action plan with strategies that will impact on supporting improvements to the mental health and well being of learners, staff, families and others working within the school environment. 


To achieve this Place2Be will be using a number of universal and targeted services which are listed below;


  • One-to-one counselling: For children with the most urgent or complex needs. Children are supported through weekly sessions by qualified staff in the school's designated Place2Be room. 
  • Journey of Hope: a therapeutic group intervention focussed on increasing resilience and coping skills. 
  • Place2Talk: Lunchtime self-referral service which any child in the school can access. this helps to reduce the stigma around mental health, as well as enabling staff to identify more serious problems. Place2Talk is a key to early intervention and prevention. 
  • Whole classwork and assemblies: Allowing specific well being themes to be addressed in collaboration with school staff
  • Place2Think: consultation sessions for teachers and other school staff addressing themes related to children's emotional well being, including behaviour, safeguarding, working effectively with parents and resolving conflict as well as reflecting on their own well-being. 
  • Parent Partnership: supporting parents and carers to build an understanding of their child's behaviour, improving their confidence and the quality of their relationship with their child. 
  • Personalised Individual Parent Training (PIPT), a targeted intervention for the parent/child pairing. 


Miss Miller and Mrs Griffiths will be the school's link members of staff working alongside the Place2Be practitioner who will be in school once a week (every Tuesday 9 am - 5 pm) and they will be working with our children, families and staff.


Mrs James with the support of our school's governing body will be providing strategic leadership through cluster working, CSC school to school collaboration and International links. The project's outcomes will be shared with a number of stakeholders and will compliment the work being undertaken by our school's Family Engagement Officer. 


Information about Place2Be can be found on the following website:




Information will be sent regarding the service and questions or queries please contact school to speak to Mrs James, Mrs Griffiths or Miss Miller. 



Evan Hulbert Radio DJ prize award

climate competition prizes 2022

Pen Rhys Pilgrimage Trust: Our children made ceramic decorations for the Christmas Community Tree donated by the Trust. We will be part of more community projects spring 2022

Christmas story Christian Centre puppet show 2021

Christian Centre staff kind and thoughtful Christmas gift donation

Trealaw Village Trust kind donation for selection boxes Christmas 2021

Levi and the winning entry

Climate Challenge Christmas Card Competition 

Our school entered this competition Christmas 2021 and a card produced by Levi Blaken Y6 won first prize! 

Congratulations to Levi for her winning entry as school will receive the 1st Prize 

Levi is also our school council chair! 

Celebration assembly for the children's book written and produced by Class 6 2018

Assembly visit by Ian Willis from the Christian Centre January 2018
