Attendance 2023-24
Mrs Griffiths our Family Engagement Officer will be working on a number of initiatives over 2023-24 to improve our attendance percentage 90.6% 2022-23
Attendance % for Week ending 23/03/2018
1st place - Class 6 - 99.11% Excellent
2nd place - Class 4 - 99.00% Excellent
3rd place - Class 3 - 95.56% Very Good
4th place - Class 5 - 95.50% Very Good
5th place - Class 2 - 93.15% Good
6th place Class 1 - 85.19%
The School Council will be publishing results every week!
Attendance 2016-17
Our attendance for 2016-17 was 92.14 and did not achieve the LA target 94.1. We will keep parents and carers updated with the attendance figures for this autumn half term 2017 and hope that we meet our target. We are trying to work with parents by granting in term time the 10 days holiday allowance by the Welsh government to those pupils whose attendance in the previous year has been 95% and above.
Also please work with us on punctuality, schools starts at 8.50 am and there is the provision of a school breakfast club. We remind all parents that this prepares your child for future life in the work place with the understanding of the need to be prompt and on time.
Thank you
Mrs James and all staff
Whole School attendance for 2015-16 was 92.89%. Disappointingly we did not achieve our local authority target of 93.6%
Our School attendance target for 2016-17 is currently set by the Central South Consortium is 94.1%. The Welsh Government target for all schools in Wales is to achieve 95% and above.
We hope that all parents support us in improving their child's attendance. Please inform the school clerk as soon as possible of your child's absence with the reasons. We load this onto our registers. The school council is closely monitoring weekly class attendance with class rewards for the highest class attendance and our Dewi the Dragon. Termly certificates and awards are given to pupils with 95% and above. Pupils who have 100% over the whole year are awarded a special prize.
The school has recently undertaken an audit of its attendance and we are currently reviewing school policy. We will keep parents updated through our newsletters and in due course there will be a school app that will be available to download onto mobile phones which will enable parents to keep up to date with all information.